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I'm Sandra Catania. Also known as Dancing Elk Woman.

Allow me to introduce myself and a little bit about what it is that I do.


I am a Student at the Institute of Shamanic Medicine. The name Dancing Elk Woman was given to me by Great Spirit during my first sweat lodge in November of 2018.

I am also an avid student of Reiki, Homeopathy and Flower Essences. It's all about elevating the vibrations and sharing love, truth & ancient knowledge...

Young Living Essential oils is my side gig (ask me about joining my Sassy Oiling Team if you're into that) and one of my hugest passions on earth. Plant medicines of all kinds, really. So curious, so fascinated, on a daily basis... the secrets that mother nature holds that we are just beginning to discover more about.

I'm a little Fae, a lot Earth Angel. I love learning about astrology and crystals.

If I were a character in a game I would be the sage wise medicine woman with all the magic potions... yes some may call that a witch. I wear that badge proudly and with honour.

I founded the Calgary Goddess Groups around 2005, when I noticed the need for all of these awakened light beings to meet, mingle & bring the collective vibration UP!!!

Since then (and since attending local festivals such as Tribe in Kananaskis and Sangha in Cochrane) I have been meeting lots of brothers who are fulfilling this mission as well... it's so beautiful to see humanity encouraging, supporting, standing up for one another in unity and equality. More, please!!


My long term plans include becoming a minister at the Centres for Spiritual Living.


I'm mom to two beautiful children and I'm in the midst of building & being a part of beautiful communities of likeminded spirits (such as WUB, Mountain Mystics) who support my journey wholeheartedly, as I do theirs. BEing the change I wish to see in this world. Or BEing the vibration of it, more accurately.

I'm in love with my twin flame and partner in crime and look forward to many zany adventures to come. Learning, growing, expanding. Teaching and sharing what we are learning about forgiveness and self love along the way.


My most favourite pastimes, hobbies and interests include raw chocolate making, art therapy, drumming, being in nature, sound healing, yoga and meditation. And dancing...

I offer Intuitive Readings, Group Readings, Massage (including Swedish Relaxation and Raindrop, in the YYC area), Workshops, Retreats and more. Please click on the "book online" link at the top right to schedule yourself in! 15 minute free intro/consults are also available. I also offer student & senior rates.


One of my other passions is writing, and I am going to endeavour to keep up a blog on this website to share my thoughts & insights on a regular basis. 

After all, we are all just walking each other home!

Thank you for taking the time to read about the essence of who I am and which gifts I am here to share. 




Sandra aka Goddess Sassafrass


aka  ~~ Dancing Elk Woman ~~




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